2019-Rover Ruckus
Our 2019 robot, Oy Gevolytage, consisted of three robots. The first robot was built in November 2018 and was used in the FTC NJ Robo-Tussle Qaulifier on December 2nd. This robot used a two stage arm and a claw to individually pick up pieces and place them inside the lander. During autonomous mode it successfully parked on the crater wall.
2019-Rover Ruckus
The second version of Oy Gevoltage was built in December 2018 and was used in the FTC NJ Robo-Wrangle competition January 6th. This robot was built to push minerals into the depot. We attempted to use a REV Linear Slide to deploy from the lander but were unsuccessful.
2019-Rover Ruckus
This was our final robot for the year. It was built in January 2019 and we used it in the Northeast NJ League Championship. We used a TETRIX Rack and Pinion set to deploy and latch on to the lander. During the Autonomous period, we were able to deploy, sample and drop the team marker. During Teleop we brought minerals to the depot and during endgame we latched to the lander.